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Detecting and alerting the homeowner from an automatic trigger by surveillance cameras and recording devices can enable the event to be recorded simultaneously, thereby allowing the homeowner to take a proactive approach and response that they determine necessary. This intrusion detection capability can include audio and video as well as recorded footage and alarm notifications.
JM Associates Technologies expertise in video surveillance products and solutions extends to analog and IP-based cameras, recording devices and systems as well as management software to provide your home with the eyes and ears to protect land, property and family.
Detecting and alerting your family to dangerous heat can mean the difference between life and death. JM Associates Technologies system technicians recommend installing capable and reliable equipment for both heat detection and smoke detection in the home, targeted in prime locations. These types of equipment can include sensors, power systems and fire detection as well as wireless medical devices that when connected to security systems can also cause life-saving alert notifications to those in need.
A capable access control system in your home offers an intelligent network solution to monitor and manage live video events, alerts and notifications all controlled by a hand-held device such as a smart phone. In addition, your home's access control features will allow for remote playback of video, multi-view capabilities, remote controls for door and alarms along with snapshot access to cameras and recorders.